Directory for Burney Lions and Lions Auxiliary Members
There are two directories, one for the Burney Lions Club and the other for the Burney Auxiliary, available only to the members of the respective memberships. For Burney Lions Club and Burney Lions Auxiliary you can include information that will appear in your choice of the club directory and/or the auxiliary directory.
You may include you club job title for the directory. Include your birthday, and anniversary in the comment box to receive club cards.
Privacy Policy: We only collect and use data for the club newsletter, updates, updating roster information, the club directories, anniversary and birthday cards, and other club needs. Inclusion of any or all information is optional. These directories are different then the official rosters. For inquiries, including CCPA request, burneylionsclub AT gmail DOT com. For information on CCPA https://www.privacypolicies.com/blog/ccpa-consumer-rights/