To ensure a place to watch the derby purchase your tickets online, at the Inter-Mountain Fair website. Event tickets are on sale April 1st. https://tickets.inter-mountainfair.saffire.com/p/tickets. Fair entry, not included with the Derby price, is required. Admission is $20-$25.

All General Seating and Reserved Seating are expected to be sold out before the start of the event. Pit Passes are available at the event.

The Burney Lions D-Derby is an annual event held at the Inter-Mountain Fair. The next D-Derby will be on Sunday – September 1st. Entry gates open at 5:00 PM

Thanks to the continued support of the Intermountain area The Burney Lions Club is able to hold this event for over four decades. Whether you have attended the D-Derby for years, or your fist time, prepare for action, victory, and defeat as many will enter and few will bring home the trophies.

Driver registration countdown
The 2024 rules are here. Click on the file names to download the document.
The Inter-Mountain Fair website has all the official event information.
All proceeds after expenses go back to the community. And much of the expenses stay in the community.